I’ve come across some coisas muito interessantes as I’ve been wandering around Brazil. Here’s an image gallery of those which definitely made an impression on me. Use the left and right arrow keys to navigate:
Shoo Birds
This seems a bit more forceful than 'Hey little birdies, please don't sit here and poop.' This is more like 'GET THE FUCK AWAY OR I KEEEEEEEEEEEEL YOOOOOOOOOOO!!!'
Flu Look
Taking pinkeye to a whole new level.
Mega Key
MEGA KEY! Why have a plain old boring flat key when you can have a MEGA KEY! It slices and dices and doubles as a philips screwdriver! NOW WITH EVEN MORE KEY.
I stared for good few seconds before I realized it's most likely Portuguese for hummus. I think. I hope.
Bug Zapper 1000
I love this thing. I plan on bringing one home. It actually works. Goodbye bugs.
Food Starter Kit
I think this is a brilliant idea. All the dry good basics you need in one bag! Flour, sugar, basic spices, beans and rice (of course!), etc.
Cachaça do Caranguejo
Cachaça, crab infused. No. Just no.
Paper Towels
When you need a little more self-importance in your quicker-picker-upper.
Clam Booth
This is a phone booth.
Oyster Booth
This is also a phone booth. This one reminds me sort of a giant roman helmet though.
We really like boobs at this apartment building. If you like boobs too, you should live here.
I am somewhat accustomed to occasionally spooking little creatures when I walk down a sidewalk. I am not, however, accustomed to them being 8-10 inch long lizards who run up the wall next to you and then eyeball you. In the eye.
Taxi Part 1
This is a taxi.
Taxi Part Two
This is also a taxi.
Horse Power
These horses not only have to work hard hauling crap around in the heat all day long, they do it in rush hour traffic with buses and motorcycles and cars driving around very crazily. Oh and other horses. Did I mention that staying in your lane is basically a much-ignored suggestion when driving? These horses gotta be hardcore.
Giant Can
There seems to be a strange preocuppation with giant bottles and cans. You can go to any beach and find vendors selling photo ops with you and any number of your friends while holding, drinking out of or jumping out of 'giant' beer cans and bottles.
There's a certain, um, monochromality about the vehicle colors in Maceió. I saw a blue car the other day and did a doubletake, it was so...colorful.
Bighead Ant
Latin name: Pheidole (I think). Big headed ant. It's got a caste in the hive, big workers for big work with big heads, little workers for little work with little heads. Brazilian bigheaded ants just take what they want.
Shower Attachment
This is one of the most amazing thing I've ever seen. It has three settings: Off, Winter and Summer. Summer is just the right temperature, a bit warm but not *too* warm, and winter is super toasty. No more fiddling with the hot and cold knobs!!! Besides, they don't have hot and cold knobs here. Just on and off, all the same temperature: kinda cool. I totally want one. Perhaps without the exposed wiring, however.
And I’ll finish off with a video of a Caicó vendor walking the praia. Kind of like the Maceió version of ‘The Entertainer’ played from the ice cream truck, the sound of ‘Picolé e Sorvete Caicó’ really gets under your skin. Especially when you hear it a lot. Every. Single. Day.