I had a pet rabbit once. Rabbits are stupid. Yes, they’re cute and fuzzy and soft, but underneath the surface…they’re cute and fuzzy and soft. In other words, there’s just not a lot of synapses firing in there. I dunno, maybe I had a particularly stupid bunny, but from what I’ve seen and heard, it was pretty average. And by average, I mean stupid.
Case in point:
This of course does not include bugs bunny, who is very very smart, not to mention delightfully snarky. But then, he’s a cartoon character, not a real bunny rabbit.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, is my dog. My dog is a FREAKIN GENIUS. People ask me if my dog is smart. In answer, I tell them she does my taxes. They laugh, because they think I’m kidding.
I’m not.
Ok yes I am. But if she could grasp concepts like the US Tax Code and the use of a computer, I’d totally let her do my taxes. I’d probably get more money back. I could start up my very own tax consulting business, and I’d give her her very own office complete with buckets of liver and salmon treats and her very own ball boy to toss her tennis ball three times a day for an hour. And a wading pool. And sticks to chew on, that won’t get all splintery. She’d do people’s taxes, and then play with her tennis ball, splash in the water, and I’d be rich, because duh, my dog can do people’s taxes. And people would pay me to have her do their taxes, and they’d tell their friends that a dog does their taxes, and they saved OODLES of money, and how cool is that?
Don’t believe me? Well, forget about the fact that she knew more commands at the age of 6 months than any stupid rabbit. Forget that she is probably the most awesome dog on the planet. You want unbiased proof, well here you go.
I took her to the Doggie Dash on the waterfront when she was 15 months old. They had a frisbee competition that day, and any dog could register to compete. I knew she was a fetching fool with balls, but she’d never even SEEN a frisbee before. I’d read that it’s not a good idea for young pups to jump too much, and frisbee is just begging for jumps, so I hadn’t exposed her to that yet. This would be her first time. 15 months old. Never seen a frisbee. And competing against probably 20 other dogs, many of whom have seen a frisbee, and knew what to do with it.
My dog came in FIFTH. FIFTH!!!!!
So there.
Check out my post on OurPDX.net about the 22nd!!! annual Oregon Humane Society Doggie Dash, coming up on May 9th. Jessie will be there, but she’s pretty good about not being all elitist and rubbing your face in the fact that she’s a genius. Me, I have a bit more trouble with it. Proud mother, I guess. But…
<whisper whisper growl grunt bark bark grunt>
Um. Jessie says I should quit being a crazy proud doggie mom. So, sorry.
So funny! *laughing*
Hehehehe… this is an adorable post. You know, Jessie really is one of the cutest, smartest dogs I’ve ever met. That adorable face kills me everytime!!
Found this post looking for rabbits and nom… It seems you only thought your rabbit was, erm… ‘stupid’ because you assumed it thought the same way as a dog. Did you try to litter train your pet rabbit? Did you even attempt to learn its body language, and what it wanted from you? Did it even like you? In the picture, a rabbit is chewing cords to pieces. Have you ever seen a rabbit in the wild chewing underbrush? They chew cords because it looks like roots or vines, to create a path.
You can train rabbits just like any other pet.
My case in point:
It’s nice you have a smart dog, but rabbits have about as much, if not more, personality and smarts than a dog.