If you know me, you know that my personal muse is Sarah McLachlan. I regularly abase myself at her feet and quiver with inspiration and yes, lust. Figuratively speaking, of course. Oh if only… Seriously, to my knowledge I have been to her show every time she has graced our beloved P-Town in the past 6-8 years or so. I never miss a chance.
So imagine my amazement and excitement, listening to NPR in late October/early November, when I hear that she’s going to be in town at some radio show taping PRACTICALLY ON MY BIRTHDAY. omgomgomgomgomg!!!!
After I peeled myself off the ceiling (you have to understand, I haven’t seen her in quite a while, I’ve been overdue!) I looked into the details. She was going to be one of the guest performers on eTown, a radio show syndicated on NPR (I wake up to NPR these days, although I’m thinking of switching back to 94.7. Gotta switch it up, right?). Whatever, I thought. eTown shmeTown. It’s Sarah, and I’m goin.
So a friend and I got tickets, and showed up at the appointed hour, for a live taping of this eTown show. Turns out it’s normally taped in Boulder, Colorado, but they occasionally go on the road and do live tapings in other cities. Their mission statement is as follows: “etown’s mission is to educate, entertain and inspire a diverse audience, through music and conversation, to create a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable world.” Ok, cool. Nifty. Very Portlandy, in fact.
I had no idea just how Portlandy. Apparently they give out an award called an e-chievement award during each show. Listeners from all over the country send in tales of individuals making a difference in their communites, and from these inspirational people they select one each show to win this award. At this particular taping, they invited all the prior Portland winners of this national award to attend, and stand up as they were named. I swear, half the audience were winners. The hosts, Nick and Helen Forster, informed us that there are more e-cheivement award winners in the greater PDX area than ANYWHERE IN THE COUNTRY. Yeah. Portland Rocks. I knew I loved it here for a reason! The winner during that particular broadcast was Ed Kerns, who started the Lents Springwater Habitat Restoration Project. The man is wheelchair bound, and he has single-handedly organized and fostered this fabulous effort, and one which impacts not just my city, but my neighborhood, in a truly meaningful way. I love the Springwater Corrider Trail, and I bike it often during the summertime.
But back to Sarah and me nearly getting kicked from the Shnitz. I mean…hello, iPhone right? You expect me to sit in the presence of my muse, one of the elite few who musically inspire me, and not take pictures? Me, amateur photog girl? Shyeah. Not gonna happen. I gotta try. A few fruits of my labor:

Sarah rockin' out!

I've seen her so many times, I am familiar with her expressions. This is my favorite. No I am not a stalker.

The whole cast. Sarah's on the far right, tickling those ivories.
Hi Morgan — Thanks for the comment. I made the same request from Sue, Lisa and Kelly. So far, you are first and only. My prediction would have been in reverse order. Appreciate the input. I do plan to take the course. I have a lot to learn being a guppie and all. I enjoyed the session. Lauren