This is a list of benefits that committed gay and lesbian couples do not enjoy, and may never enjoy, because of the legacy of the Bush administration:
State-Granted Legal Marriage Rights
(these may vary somewhat from state to state, but on the whole are fairly accurate):
Assumption of Spouse’s Pension
Automatic Inheritance
Automatic Housing Lease Transfer
Bereavement Leave
Burial Determination
Child Custody
Crime Victim’s Recovery Benefits
Divorce Protections
Domestic Violence Protection
Exemption from Property Tax on Partner’s Death
Immunity from Testifying Against Spouse
Insurance Breaks
Joint Adoption and Foster Care
Joint Bankruptcy
Joint Parenting (Insurance Coverage, School Records)
Medical Decisions on Behalf of Partner
Certain Property Rights
Reduced Rate Memberships
Sick Leave to Care for Partner
Visitation of Partner’s Children
Visitation of Partner in Hospital or Prison
Wrongful Death (Loss of Consort) Benefits
Federally-Granted Legal Marriage Rights
Access to Military Stores
Assumption of Spouse’s Pension
Bereavement Leave
Insurance Breaks
Medical Decisions on Behalf of Partner
Sick Leave to Care for Partner
Social Security Survivor Benefits
Sick Leave to Care for Partner
Tax Breaks
Veteran’s Discounts
Visitation of Partner in Hospital or Prison
There. That is what the “Defense of Marriage”, both Federal and state, is keeping from honest, hard working American families. This is not about my opinion vs. another’s opinion. This is about directly impeding my and my friends, colleagues and hundreds of thousands of others’ rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is not some intangible concept. This is my life. And that is why my teeth clench every time I see a Bush sticker. It’s been made perfectly clear that Bush and his pundits hate me and my friends and loved ones…or at least think I’m sorely misguided. And yet, I am not the one who sent our sons and daughters to the sands of Iraq on shaky, and based on the Downing Street Memos , fairly trumped up reasons. No, I am just another one of ‘those’ people. Those people who go to work every day, do a good job, come home to their love and best friend, weed the garden, walk the dog and chat with thier neighbors. Yep…My quiet little happiness is a huge threat to the ‘institute of marriage’.
To quote Senator Barbara Boxer, (D) California:
But I think, when we do this, we do lose something. I think we lose our soul.
That is what you lose when you scapegoat a group of people, a whole group of
people who have never even asked us to legalize gay marriage. Scapegoating is
ugly. History has seen it too many times. You know that and I know that. Groups
of people who are different are identified. It becomes ‘we’ versus ‘them.’ Their
identity as individuals is lost and they become faceless. Special rules are
written for them. They are singled out as a group. Read the history books, my
colleagues. You will find it there. We are all Americans in this country,
regardless of our differences. We are Americans first. We are God’s children,
all of us, regardless of our differences. Why do we need to craft a piece of
legislation designed to hurt our fellow Americans when there is absolutely no
need to do it?
And finally:
Bible Notes on Marriage
Marriage shall consist of a union between one man and one or more women.
Genesis 29:17-28
Marriage shall not impede a manÂs right to take concubines in addition to his wife or wives.
II Samuel 5:13 and II Chronicles 11:13
Marriage is considered valid only if the the wife is a virgin. If she is not a virgin, she shall be executed.
Deuteronomy 22:13
Marriage between a believer and non-believer is forbidden.
Genesis 24:3
Since there is no law that can change things, divorce is not possible.
Genesis 38:6-10
If a married man dies, his brother must marry his sister-in-law.
Deuteronomy 25:5-10