I have apparently broken my brain.
No really, it’s broken. I imagine it was all resilient and springy a month ago, soaking up new information happily and processing it with alacrity. But it got fuller, and fuller, and more and more new information – absolutely necessary information for continued and improved human interaction – kept being added. Kind of like when you put more and more and more sugar in your tea until the tea just won’t get any sweeter and really tastes like liquid teeth rot by this time and you still have clumps of sugar floating around in your tea laughing at you. My brain has developed soft spots that refuse to learn anything more. I can sort of feel them, one in front of my right ear, and another one all the way in the back on the left. These spots flop down on the ground and hold their breath until they turn purple and when that doesn’t work they just turn their back on me and stick fingers in their ears and cry “LALALALALALA I’M NOT LISTENING LALALALALAAAAA”.
Most of this past week has been like this. I think my teachers are starting to worry about me, but they keep saying it’s normal and this sort of thing happens and it’ll pass.
But until then I could really use some aspirin.
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